One of the thoughts I had spinning around, and I have no idea why it came up other than it's something I'm quite concerned about is the world, yeah, our planet, our one and only home. I expect within the millions of galaxies swirling around in the Universe, there is probably another place similar to our planet Earth. However, this being said, it's most likely a million or more light years away. Now a million miles is a long distance but to think of distance in light years, when light travels at 186,000 miles per sec. is simply mind-boggling. This means if we could travel at the speed of light, we would reach the moon within about half a second but that's never going to happen. So I have to ask myself, why are we treating the world environment with such reckless abandonment? The population is growing and the resources are dwindling, so we should really be taking stock of our predicament.
So here we sit on this fragile rock that's wobbling on an axis, actually revolving at roughly 1,000 mph and zooming through space at I think around 70,000 mph, what are we doing to protect it? Nothing, instead we're throwing wars, bombing the hell out of countries, killing all the animals, cutting down all the trees, etc., etc., and garbage, talk about garbage, gargantuan gobs of garbage. When a plastic island about the size of France is floating around in the Pacific Ocean, we may talk about pigs being filthy animals (only if they're in captivity) but it seems rather apparent that we are the filthiest animals on the planet. Some of us have to shower every day because they feel dirty but having a little dried honest sweat on a person's body is nothing compared to the filth we're strewing all over the planet. I mean right here, out in the country where I live, many people just heave there garbage out the window as they drive down the road instead of getting rid of it in a mature manner. A little garbage here and there if it's biodegradable isn't too bad but plastic can be very harmful and it's here forever. It may break down over the millenniums but it's here to stay. I recently read where the Germans made the most pure beer but now traces of plastic can be found in it. So, if we're drinking plastic, we're probably breathing it in as well. Mind you, that may not be as bad as it sounds if we start ejecting our poop in reusable plastic baggies.
I don't know about any of you reading these lines but I'm pretty worried about our planet, and for me, I'm not here much longer anyway so it doesn't really matter, but for my kids and their kids, the future of life is not looking too good. Most of us can't see beyond today and are more concerned about the economy and not ecology - let's face it most of us are as greedy as can be, all striving to be as rich as possible and do whatever we want. And why is that when most of us despise the rich and what they stand for, so why are we trying to emulate them? There isn't too much we can do regarding how other countries handle their affairs but here in Canada, we should be setting an example to the rest of the world. Instead of diabolically and recklessly destroying our land for literally the sake of a literally fucking Yankee dollar, we should be protecting it. My neighbours have been cutting down the trees on their properties the past few years and when the smiling logger-man came knocking on my door asking if he could cut down our trees, I told him the only value this land has is the trees, why would I want to cut them down. Sure, I use some of the trees for firewood but if the trees on this land are looked after properly, not allowed to be clear-cut and then sprayed with Glyphosate, they'll still be here long after I'm gone. The 25 acres on the lower side of our property is Crown Land and has a stream meandering through it to one of the main lakes. Last fall, while following the stream, I came across two large plastic containers lying in the forest, so not only were they cutting down trees, they also poisoned the area. If this isn't called shitting in your own back yard, I don't know what is.
Unfortunately our PM Trudeau and the previous one, Harper are like-minded in that they are selling the country out by embracing the toxic fossil fuel industries at any cost. Like the day the horse and buggy ended, so should the gasoline engine come to an end. Did you know that one of Henry Ford's first autos was made from hemp and fueled by hemp - and I don't mean the kind of hemp a person gets high on? You could smoke that shit all day and all that would happen is that you'd wind up coughing your lungs out. But hey, the real reason for the big push on oil is because of the war machine, which is where the US invests most of its money. They go on and on about invading other countries because they're trying to bring democracy to them but hey, who are they fooling - a country, just like ours, that doesn't look after it's own citizens, sure as hell doesn't give a fiddler's fuck for another country's citizens...peace, eh! - Trip
My wife and I recently started up an Etsy Store a little while ago and if you'd like to check out our artistic creations just click on the link.
My wife and I recently started up an Etsy Store a little while ago and if you'd like to check out our artistic creations just click on the link.
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