Sunday, June 30, 2019

YELLOW BRICK WALL - A very, very short story.

I've just written a  short story for a contest. Check it out and let me know if it is worthy or not. Please like or better yet, leave a comment at the contest link listed above. Cheers, eh!


  1. FACEBOOK COMMENT:Suzan Carsley Loved it!

    FACEBOOK REPLY: thanks suzan - it was fun to write...cheers, eh!

  2. FACEBOOK COMMENT: Vicki Earnest - Found the link. Very cute story. For some reason I couldn't see the link. Do you think it should be bigger or brought down right underneath your verbiage? Just a suggestion. Maybe it's just me though that didn't see it.

    FACEBOOK REPLY - You could be right Vicki but glad you liked the tiny story...cheers, eh!

  3. FACEBOOK COMMENT - Lily Radloff Is it just 4 paragraphs long? If so it is a start of what could be a great book... Wish there was more.

    FACEBOOK REPLY: thanks Lily - the story had to describe the photo and only be 200 words - oh, I could go on with the story but that's it...cheers, eh!
